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How Bespoke Software Helps with Business Growth

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

Many business ventures fail when they try to transition from small to medium sized services. That switch from just a couple of staff to double figure employees can be very risky and unless a business has solid financial backing, the transition can prove too much despite having a healthy client base and a reliable product / service.

For example, a small business, transitioning to a larger sized concern may be unable to hire the staff with the necessary skills, let alone fund and train them, in the timescales which are required. We’ve seen this happen more than once and have been fortunate enough to be able to help one such fledgling business develop from just a couple of staff to a company which is now worth several million pounds. Looking back, we’re certain that without Claris FileMaker and Flare Software working with them, they would not have been able to make the transition as smoothly or possibly even at all.

Claris FileMaker Pro can be a considerable help in this situation as with careful application and planning, database software can make serious inroads into improving staff efficiency and reducing the number of workers required to complete a given task. In addition to this, our software solutions can provide access to vital up-to-date financial data and help you keep track of the latest trends in sales and services - that’s real world data, real quick.

FileMaker Go iPad

With Flare and Claris FileMaker…

You get Security

We can include enterprise-grade security with end‑to‑end encryption, HSM key management, app-level DDoS, 256-bit encryption and a great deal more.

There’s Cross Platform and Cross Device Functionality

Mac OS and Microsoft Windows - FileMaker does both but why stop at desktop computers? We can also integrate your database with iPads, iPhones and web browsers allowing you to be truly networked and completely mobile.

You Can Solve Real Problems

With Covid and Brexit in the thoughts of most employers and employees, it’s no wonder that you’re looking at improving work security and making business life easier. With Claris FileMaker, Flare specialise in helping businesses improve efficiency and getting real world data real fast and exactly where it should be. It could be a stock control system that must have up to the second accuracy or it could be a need for yearly / monthly / weekly / daily financial forecast reports. We can offer this in a format that works with your business - tailored exactly to your needs.

Bespoke Is the Future

Why alter your business to fit your software? It sounds crazy but many businesses will do exactly this - altering years of evolved business practices just so that they can work with an off the shelf software solution. That’s not a ‘solution’ which we are prepared to accept. Your business and its employers deserve a whole lot more than that and this is why bespoke software from Flare, tailored to your exact requirements, could be the perfect fit for the next phase in your business.

You Get Our Experience

James and Jon have over 40 years combined experience with FileMaker not to mention a lot of grounding in web development, web integration, networking, PHP, security systems, project management - the list goes on. And if we don’t have the skillset, you can bet we’ve worked with, and can recommend, people who do.

The company I described earlier is one of our favourite success stories and we’re proud of how we helped in their success. We could do the same for you…

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